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(Italiano) Salvare le Api per salvare il Pianeta

Mar, 22, 2023 . Senza categoria 0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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(Italiano) Proposte per gruppi e scolaresche

Mar, 05, 2018 . Senza categoria 0

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(Italiano) Etna apiary

Mar, 10, 2014 . Senza categoria 0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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(Italiano) I Colori delle Farfalle

Mar, 04, 2014 . Senza categoria 0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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(Italiano) Il Mondo delle Farfalle

Mar, 04, 2014 . Senza categoria 0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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The Butterfly world

Feb, 22, 2014 . Senza categoria 0

EYES ON WINGS Many animals present, in appearance as an ornament, designs that remember the shape of an eye. This phenomenon is very common in butterflies and in some species reaches an extraordinary perfection. The meanings of these drawings, which confuse predators, are at least two: the “TERRIFIC” and the “REVERSE OF THE HEAD”. In …

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(Italiano) The Butterfly Colors

Feb, 04, 2014 marketing Senza categoria 0

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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